Club apparel
Uniform Coordinator
Contact: Jo Szegedi
Email: apparelofficer@easternmavericks.com.au
Apparel Officer
Contact: Jo Szegedi
Email: apparelofficer@easternmavericks.com.au
All new players should contact our club’s Number Allocation Officer, Nicole Formby by email at numberallocation@easternmavericks.com.au to be allocated a playing number prior to the purchase of a uniform.
Please include the following information in the email:
- child name
- child date of birth
- contact parent name
- best email address
- top 3 or 4 preferred numbers ( we will do our best to match but can’t guarantee. Ensure at least one number is greater than 30)
A loan uniform can be arranged through the apparel officer apparelofficer@easternmavericks.com.au until you/r child has their own.
Uniforms can be ordered via the Worklocker Mt Barker Mavericks shop https://uniformshopsa.com.au/collections/mavericks-basketball portal which we will advertise on our Facebook members page and by email when open so orders can be placed.